Ski 18: Warm Wednesday night

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

After some mild weather and melting, conditions were remarkably good and fast.  Same ski as last week, very nice skiing.  I am developing my signature peameal bacon and brie sandwich to heat on the fire. 
 Did I mention that I am eschewing alcohol until Paul's Dirty Enduro in September?!  So far, so good but I have developed an exemption system with Chris, my abstention partner, that will allow for some leeway at certain events during the year.  Five exemptions is the current agreement.  I'm drinking a lot of coffee in the meantime.  The good news is that despite continuing sleep disruption, a moderately sub-par diet and the winter sniffles, I do feel better on the ski trails and I am fairly sure that the drink-free regime is contributory.


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