Hola Santiago, Chile!
We flew past some big, brown mountains on our way into Santiago I'm a little bit bemused that we have made it to 1222 Regimiento Cazadores (I know that off by heart having written it on so many forms), our very comfortable apartment in Santiago. I really thought that the odds were stacked against us and that we would fall at any one of the many hurdles. Air travel is an extraordinary thing. Whichever way you look at it, it is bonkers. Just decades ago our journey would have taken weeks instead of hours. The very idea of building an aluminium cylinder attached to two jet engines, filling it with live humans, and jettisoning it 10 kilometres up into the sky is preposterous. And then there is the netherworld of airports, the pick-a-mix of nutrionless food, the curious mass of humanity, the consumption, the waste. But above all now, aviation is a symbol of human-caused climate devastation. Even more symbolic given that only around 10% of the world's population has ev...